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Reward and honor, to create a better future

In the morning glory, we gathered together to witness the honor of our NanoFiltech. At 7:50 this morning, all employees of the factory gathered at the factory and held an award ceremony. The participants of this ceremony covered all departments and positions, and they worked hard and sweat to create the brilliance of the company.



Next, Jerad Zhu, director of Admin and Wendy Chen,Admin manager,calculated and prepared the corresponding bonus amount according to the outstanding contribution of each team or individual. These awards not only represent the company's recognition of outstanding performance, but also motivate the winners to continue to work hard and pursue higher achievements.



Stephen Jiang,director of R&D, took a speech about the outstanding contributions and hard work of each winning team or individual, and expressed his expectations for their future development. These testimonials, which convey the spirit of teamwork and love of work, are very encouraging.



Then the winners (representatives) delivered their acceptance speeches. They expressed their gratitude to the company leaders and colleagues, and shared their experiences and achievements in the projects. 



Stephen made a final speech on the award. He stressed the importance of corporate culture and expressed the hope that all employees can carry forward the spirit of innovation and contribute to the development of the company. At the same time, he also expressed warm congratulations to the winners and encouraged all employees to make continuous efforts to create more brilliant for the company.



In the NanoFiltech family, we not only witness the strength of the team, but also feel the company's care for every employee. Every award is an affirmation, and every encouragement is an incentive. We look forward to the coming days, all employees with a positive attitude, full of enthusiasm and persistent faith, continue to contribute to the prosperity and development of NanoFiltech.

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